Looking for a Web Developer

Whether it's sprucing up the front end or powering up the back end, I've got all your web needs covered. Let's build something amazing together!

See some of my projects

Interested in science

I'm interested in many fields from renewable energy(especially Photovoltaics), power engineering, quantum mechanics to computer graphics.

See some of my videos


Wiktor Kujawa is a graduate engineer from the Gdansk University Of Technology with a degree course in Technical Physics with a specialization in Applied Physics and a former R&D engineer and web developer. Skilled in programming stacks or languages:

  • MERN(with rest-api or apollo/graphql)
  • Next.js(next app router or pages router approach) + tailwindcss and Sass or postcss or/and css modules + TypeOrm, mongoose or Prisma.js + MongoDB, Postgress or MySQL
  • Next.js or Nuxt.js with PayloadCMS, Prismic, CraftCMS or Strapi.
  • Implementing SSR, SSG( automatic revalidation or "on demand" revalidation), and SEO solutions with Next.js
  • React Native
  • Babel, postconfig, vite, webpack, npm, npx, yarn - using current features and solving problems with old outdated projects(debugging and updating)
  • MEAN(with ngrx and rxjs)
  • Node.js(express.js or Nest.js)
  • Other frameworks: Preact, Riot.js, Svelte
  • General purpose: Rust, C++, C, CUDA, Julia, Python, Matlab/Octave, Mathematica

Specialized in numerical analysis, creating software applications allowing to solve engineering and scientific problems in the fields of:

  • Heat Flows
  • Electromagnetic fields
  • Forces occurring on overhead lines in case of short-circuit currents
  • Induced sheath voltages and sheath circulating currents problems



Webpage for a company that designs, develops, manufactures, and markets implantable eye lenses with companion delivery systems. Created components and landing pages in Nuxt.js with dynamic components data coming from CraftCMS GraphQL queries, and created sections and fields in CraftCMS. Implementation of translations with prismic.io and i18n implemented quiz translations.



A Web page for a shop that sells grills and barbecue accessories. Main job was to create components and pages with liquid Shopify template language and vanilla js animations.


Magnetic and Electric Field 2D

Software which allow to calculate magnetic and electric field in two dimensional arrangement of three phase power lines or underground cables. written in Julia programming language and it uses Julia CImGui wrapper.


Magnetic and Electric Field 3D

Software allow calculating Magnetic Field in three dimensional environment inducted by power lines, underground cables and cable poles. Written in Julia programming language and it uses Julia CImGui wrapper and calculating algorithm implemented with CUDA technology.


Atlas Network


Page developed with Nuxt.js(+tailwind and graphql/apollo) and CraftCMS. Frontend: Creating components and pages, connecting queries with components and pages Backend: Creating fields, sections and queries Other: Gitlab, Monday, scrum meetings, Slack


M&E Field 2D - v.2.0


Software which allow to calculate magnetic and electric field in two dimensional arrangement of three phase power lines or underground cables. Software written in both native and web version(wasm + trunk library), layout and GUI were created with egui and egui_frame libraries




Fixed and refactored bad smells in the code, removed jQuery, bootstrap, unnecessary libraries, improved designs, eliminated and purged overloaded CSS, implemented odds calculations components, created betslips mechanisms, and new features(date pickers, mobile bottom menu, popups, and banners, timezone cookies and age wall mechanisms) created all pages, searchers, and event tables implemented SSR and SSG(on demand), fixed backend requests, created and fixed mongodb aggregations, refactored models, controllers, and structure code, implemented buckets into wysiwyg editors, refactored code structure, created new cms sections


Acorn Automate

1713254761969_Screenshot from 2024-04-16 09-08-26

Application to manage client inventory. Frontend is written in Vue.js, Backend is written in Django. My job was to: - implement 2FA, with an authenticator app, - update login and settings screen with 2FA switch and QR code bar, - add new endpoints on the Django backend, - add new notification errors and success messages - changed Devextreme tables interactions - fixed layouts and font issues


Cinema scheduler

Cinema Scheduler is a testament to modern web development, showcasing a blend of innovative technologies and practical features. This portfolio project is built on a robust backend using Rust and the Axum library, ensuring high performance and reliability. The main page features an interactive calendar powered by react-big-calendar, enhanced with real-time updates through WebSockets. For movie and hall management, Cinema Scheduler utilizes a straightforward REST API, with the movies page integrating the OMDB API to suggest additions to the movie collection.